Forecast Size of the AR/VR Market Worldwide in 2020 and 2025 by Segment
Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality aka AR/VR has been around for a while and has a bright future ahead of it beginning the new decade of 2020. Although the biggest application of AR/VR is in the gaming domain, however, there are other sectors that are using the technology for many other reasons besides user-experience. According to research conducted by ‘ResearchGate’, out of 20 points, healthcare secures a 1.2 at the usage of AR/VR for the year 2020 but it is expected to escalate to another 5.1 pointers by 2025 which shows a great promotion of the technology on the application front. More or less similar statistics are being observed and expected for the engineering domain with a rise of 4.7 pointers in 2025 from a miner 1.2 in 2020. Industries like military, retail, real estate, education video entertainment, and live events also have a piece of the cake for themselves as the application of AR/VR gets dynamic in nature and user-base expands wanting more flexibility in the usage and better user experience.